Praise for
Nonprofit Accounting & Financial Statements: Overview for Board, Management, and Staff
by Thomas R. Ittelson
Read the book review by Peter Lowy, Peter Editor & Publisher of MassachusettsNonprofit News “A Resource to Boost NonprofitFinancial and Accounting Literacy” (May 2017)
“At last, a simple but complete (and very readable) guide to nonprofit accounting for the non-accountant! Invaluable for nonprofit managers and particularly useful for board members who may have no background in this arcane area. Secrets of temporarily restricted revenue, net assets, and other nonprofit accounting terms revealed.”
—Lita Nelsen, consultant and board of directors member of
nonprofit institutions. Retired director, MIT Technology Licensing Office
“Provides the financial schooling every board member needs in order to serve as a steward of their organization. Gave me the confidence to step up from a volunteer to a leadership position, advisor, and board member for two nonprofits.” —Jean Ann Schulte, Volunteer ECUSA.org
“Immensely helpful information made accessible in an informal and witty way. An accounting book that is as enjoyable as it is useful.” —Persia Walker, international nonprofit
board member, Foreign Service Officer
“A clear and effective financial primer for the board and everybody else in the organization.”
—Barbara Kemp, former school board chair, Scarsdale, NY, and
trustee Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA
“A must read for grantees. Provides the financial understanding we expect at all levels in organizations we support. —Irina Simmons, foundation executive,
former corporate treasurer, Fortune 500 company
“Rare that a book on understanding nonprofit financials is actually entertaining—but this one is. A clear, thorough and highly accessible walkthrough of the essentials of nonprofit accounting, this should be required reading for all nonprofit board members.”
—Kate Merritt, CEO, KMP Consulting and consultant to nonprofit boards
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